Fernanda Henneberg Benemond Ayres


Foto Fernanda Henneberg Benemond Ayres


  • Graduated from the School of Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University, 2007
  • Specialist in Corporate Real Estate Law from Secovi-SP, 2017
  • Extension in the Master in Law and Economics at Universität St. Gallen – Switzerland, with a scholarship from the Lemann Foundation, 2010
  • LL.M. in Corporate Law from the Education and Research Institute (Insper), 2012
  • LL.M. in Corporate Law from the Education and Research Institute (Insper), 2015
  • Master’s degree student in Business Law from Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), focused on real estate and capital markets, 2024
  • Courses: Accounting for lawyers, Machado Associados, 2012; What changed in the New Civil Procedure Code? IASP, 2015; Tax Legislation for the Real Estate Market, Secovi/SP, 2019; Taxation of Operations and Corporate Structures, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), 2019; Receivables Securitization, VBSO, 2022; Structured Investment Funds – CVM Resolution n. 175/2022, VBSO, 2023, etc

Further information

  • Author of the book “Contratos Built to Suit” (Built to Suit Agreements), Almedina publishers, 2015 (ed. 2). The book is part of the bibliography of the master’s degree in Civil Law at USP and FGV postgraduate course in Real Estate Law
  • Author of article “Condomínio Edilício: Regime Jurídico, Natureza Jurídica e Atualidades sobre os Direitos e Deveres dos Condôminos” (Condominium: Legal Regime, Legal Nature and Current Affairs on the Rights and Duties of Co-Owners), which is part of the book “Temas de Direito Imobiliário – Tomo I” (Real Estate Law Themes – Vol. I), IASP publishers, 2017
  • Member of the São Paulo Lawyers Institute (IASP) and the Brazilian Institute of Real Estate Law (IBRADIM)


  • Lawyer recognized by Análise Advocacia Mulher 2024 in the area of Real Estate Law

Foreign Languages

  • Portuguese
  • English

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